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Supporting scientific research and job-integration through the Foundation

Published on November 10, 2021

5 minutes

Continuing its work for fundamental research and job-integration, the Air Liquide Foundation is inviting the Group’s shareholders to support its projects as of November 9th 2021. An opportunity to boost the Foundation’s actions! Here’s more on this innovative approach.

Jean-Marc de Royère, Chairman of the Air Liquide Foundation

Social challenges have been exacerbated by the pandemic. How can the Air Liquide Foundation respond?

The Foundation works on scientific research and job- integration—both highlighted by the Covid-19 crisis. Thanks to the fruits of fundamental research,  we can overcome the most difficult challenges, as just demonstrated by the breakthrough of messenger RNA vaccines. This crisis has also reinforced the need to attract young people into technical careers if we are to “reindustrialize” some of our regions. Today, foundations like ours are essential supplements to public action, as we are flexible, bet on new teams or ideas, are quick in our decision-making, and bring our own field experience. To wrap it up, we bet on people, whether researchers, educators or young people looking for an exciting career.

Why are you launching a shareholder donation program?

In an October 2020 survey, the shareholders of Air Liquide showed strong support for the Foundation’s focus areas and its work. We’re very pleased about this, given the very special relationship between Air Liquide’s shareholders and the Group. As of November 9th 2021, they can leverage our action by taking the opportunity to support several projects directly. And we intend to create a direct relationship between  shareholders and the projects that they support.

Why donate to the Air Liquide Foundation?

The Foundation is a particularly effective way of supporting projects. Firstly through the quality of the project selection, with an in-depth examination by Group specialists followed by a recommendation by ad-hoc bodies of experts. Then by working closely with the teams we’ve chosen throughout the duration of their projects, always focusing on results. Finally, thanks to the quality of its management, with over 90% of the funds allocated to the Foundation going directly into projects.


Jean-Marc de Royère

In an October 2020 survey, the shareholders of Air Liquide showed strong support for the Foundation’s focus areas and its work.

Jean-Marc de Royère

Chairman of the Air Liquide Foundation

Bernard Vaysse, shareholder and member of the Air Liquide Foundation’s Communities Committee

Can you introduce yourself?

I’m retired and involved in a lot of volunteering activities, especially as a director for two associations in the disability and mental health field. As a shareholder of Air Liquide for 15 years and a member of the Shareholders’ Communication Committee for the past two  years, I contribute by drawing on experience from my volunteering and my professional life. I participated in setting up the system that allows shareholders to contribute to the Foundation’s projects

What is your role within the Foundation as a shareholder of the Group?

I recently joined the Air Liquide Foundation’s Communities committee. I help select development projects locally, in Europe and throughout the world. I represent the shareholders in the choice of these projects that support professional integration as a priority. These associations need to be connected to industry and the business world, which is what the Foundation offers them with the Air Liquide Group ecosystem.

How does this donation program strengthen the ties between the Group and its shareholders?

I believe this is an excellent opportunity for them to participate in the Foundation’s projects and in the development of solutions for a more sustainable future. It’s also a way of strengthening their relationship with the Group by engaging with Air Liquide in a supportive way.

Bernard Vaysse

As a shareholder of Air Liquide for 15 years and a member of the Shareholders’ Communication Committee for the past two years, I participated in setting up the system that allows shareholders to contribute to the Foundation’s projects.

Bernard Vaysse

Shareholder and member of the Air Liquide Foundation’s Communities Committee

How to donate? 

If you are an Air Liquide Shareholder and wish to support these projects, you can make a donation to the Foundation. We first need to establish that you are a shareholder, as required by the law in France. 

  • Registered shareholders of Air Liquide (directly with Air Liquide or through their bank) or intermediary Shareholders) will receive an email from Air Liquide’s Shareholder Department on November, 9 2021, if they have given their prior agreement to receive communications from the Group. They are already identified and will just have to click a link to a secure platform, enabling them to make a credit card donation. They will receive a tax receipt
  • If you hold bearer shares (« au porteur ») or if you are a registered shareholders but are not on the Air Liquide shareholder department’s mailings list, you can nevertheless donate by asking your bank for proof of your Air Liquide shareholding and emailing it to We will then send you the link to the secured donation platform, where you can choose the project you wish to support and make a credit card donation

French tax residents will benefit from a 66% tax credit, if their donation is under €1,500 cap and 20% of their taxable income. If the Shareholder is also an employee of Air Liquide, the €1,500 limit does not apply.

If you are a non-French tax resident, the fiscal rules of your country of residence will apply.

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